Product Sourcing

Product Sourcing providers can help you to get access to items from qualified suppliers and Minimize risk and storage space requirements.

Product Sourcing

Our Services

  • Supply of any Import Product.
  • 60, 90 and 120 days of credit.
  • VMI Vendor-Managed Inventory.
  • Consignment Inventory.
Product Sourcing


  • We work with any product providers. Our sourcing team plans all purchasing processes and ensures that the best suppliers and capacity are available to our customers.
  • Customer service able to solve problems and classify the needs and demands of our customers.
  • Assurance in the availability and optimization of inventories.

In the world of product sourcing “delivery” is the bottom line. Our attention to detail, quality relationships and professional approach are all measured by our ability to deliver. The process is often daunting, but we fully accept the challenge and commit to delivering quality products to our clients. Because are we committed to our customers.

Product Sourcing


  • Meeting the needs of each of our customers optimizing the process, time and cost.
  • Play an integrated and efficient supply chain to ensure quality and safety in each process.

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